How to change company information? “e-Registry” one-stop company information change notification

<strong>How to change company information? " decoding="async" title="How to change company information? "e-Registry" one-stop company information change notification" >

If the proprietor wants to change the company information, what should I do? According to the current law, many changes in company information must be notified to the Business Registration Office within one month of the change. Offenders can be fined up to $5,000 and imprisoned for one year. In order to avoid penalties, how can the proprietor easily change the company information? Besides submitting the form, what else can you do?

Change business name?

For all local companies registered under the Companies Ordinance, if the proprietor wants to change the business name, you must notify the Business Registration Office within one month of the change of business name through two methods:

a) Notify the Business Registration Office in writing:

On the notice, please clearly state your business registration number, old and new business name, business address and date of change.

2) Submit Form “IRC 3110A”:

After completing the form, you can submit it to the tax office. Generally speaking, the business registration certificate and branch registration certificate of a company will be updated within one working day after the change of name certificate is issued.

The registrant can also receive a paper company name change certificate by fax or in person at the Business Registration Office; or receive a company name change certificate in electronic form.

Change business address?

If your business address has changed, you must notify the Business Registration Office within 1 month of the change by two methods:

a) Notify the Business Registration Office in writing:

On the notice, please clearly state your business registration number, business name, old and new business address and date of change, etc.

2) Submit Form “IRC 3111A”:

Once you have completed the form, you can submit it to the Tax Office along with proof of your new business address (including a copy of the lease or a recent utility bill).

Change the nature of your business?

If there is any change in the nature of your business, you must notify the Business Registration Office within 1 month of the change by two methods:

1) Notify the Business Registration Office in writing:

On the notice, please state clearly your business registration number, business name, address and the date and details of the change in the nature of your business.

2) Submit the form “IRBR 193”:

After completing the form, you can submit it to the tax office.

Joining or leaving of partners? (Not applicable to limited partnership funds)

If any partner joins or leaves your business, you must notify the Business Registration Office within 1 month of the change.

The method of notification is only to fill in the form “IRBR 64”, which must be signed by the relevant partners. In addition, new partners must submit a photocopy of their ID card or passport or business registration certificate (in the case of a legal person).

If the change will change the business type from partnership to sole proprietorship (or vice versa), the Inland Revenue Department will issue an updated business registration certificate.

Online one-stop change of company information?

In 2012, the Companies Registry launched a one-stop electronic service in collaboration with the Inland Revenue Department. If the proprietor wants to change the above information, he/she can choose to go to the “E-Registry” of the Companies Registry to report the change, and the system will transmit and notify the Inland Revenue Department of the changed information (such as corporate name and registered address, etc.).

In addition, since February 2017, companies can report the above data changes in electronic form through the mobile application “CR Transaction Form”. The updated Business Registration Certificate will generally be mailed within one working day of the form submission.

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